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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2010) 17(2) 1 – 8
Alnu’uman Hospital Wastewater Assessment – Baghdad
Salwa H. Ahmad | Salah F. Sharif |
Environmental Eng. Dept, Tikrit University, Iraq | Environmental Research Center, University of Technology, Iraq |
Wastewater of hospitals creates serious environmental problems since it may contain viruses, poisonous medical materials and heavy materials. Thus, extensive care should be given for such wastes before disposing to surface water or city sanitary network. In this research, a detailed investigation for the wastewater discharged from different departments of Al-Nu’uman general hospital has been performed during the period February – June, 2005. It is found that wastewater discharge from that hospital is 0.76 m3/(day.bed) which is very close to the Iraqi and International health regulations. This research program includes measurements of different wastewater characteristics including BOD = 180 mg/l , COD = 474 mg /l, PO4= = 15 mg/l , SO4= = 108 mg/l , SS = 1979 mg/l , pH = 7.5 , average Temperature of ( 23° C ). The results of this work indicated that the range of Al-Nu’uman general hospital wastewater characteristics fall within the general limits of hospital wastewater characteristics.
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Keywords: wastewater , hospital wastewater.