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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2010) 17 (3) 1 – 12

Magnetic Circuit & Torque Analysis of Brushless DC Motor

Arif J. Abass Mohamed Rashide Kais Wadi
Electrical Eng. Dept. , Tikrit University, Iraq


This work is concerned with magnetic and torque analysis of BLDCM and with development of a method of designing BLDCM that have symmetric winding on the rotor .make significant contribution to the rotor inductance position difficult. It is also show that the prediction detent torque can be extremely sensitive to the permanent magnet by altering magnet arc width. Finally, simple lumped models that allow one to predict motor performance and characteristics as a function of main dimension, magnet residual flux density and phase current are developed. These models are used as a basis for an approach to designing BLDCM.

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Keywords: Rotor construction: armature windings, equivalent circuit, torque analysis.

How to cite

TJES: Abass AJ, Rashide M, Wadi K. Magnetic circuit & torque analysis of brushless DC motor. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2010; 17 (3): 1-12.
APA: Abass, A. J., Rashide, M., & Wadi, K. (2010). Magnetic circuit & torque analysis of brushless DC motor. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 17(3), 1-12.
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