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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2010) 17 (3) 13 – 21
Carbon Dioxide Absorption in Packed Column in Non-Newtonian Fluid
Farah Talib Jasim | Alyaa Khadhier Mageed | Fadhil Hashim Farje |
Chemical Eng. Dept. , University of Technology, Iraq |
Absorption of carbon dioxide into carbonate solution (Na2CO3) with PAM (non-Newtonian fluid) has been performed in a countercurrent packed column (0.075m i.d. ×1.25 m height) packed with glass Raschig rings (1×1cm) to a depth of 1m. The influence of liquid flow rate, gas flow rate, liquid temperature, and polyacrylamind (PAM) concentration on the absorption rate, overall mass transfer coefficient and the reaction kinetics regime are studied at constant carbonate concentration and atmospheric pressure. The results show that the absorption rate and overall mass transfer coefficient increases with increasing liquid flow rate and temperature. The mass transfer coefficient decreases with increasing gas flow rate while the absorption rate of carbon dioxide is virtually independent of gas flow rate. This indicates that carbon dioxide absorption is liquid film controlled. Increasing PAM concentration results of reduction of absorption rate and overall mass transfer coefficient. The reaction kinetics between carbon dioxide and carbonate solution with PAM was obtained as a pseudo first order reaction (Hatta number, Ha >>1).
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Keywords: Carbon dioxide absorption, non-Newtonian fluid, mass transfer.