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Simulation and Evaluation of Ethernet Passive Optical Network
Salah A. Jaro Alabady
Coll. of Computer Eng., University of Mosul, Iraq
This paper studies simulation and evaluation of Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) system, IEEE802.3ah based OPTISM 3.6 simulation program. The simulation program is used in this paper to build a typical ethernet passive optical network, and to evaluate the network performance when using the (1580, 1625) nm wavelength instead of (1310, 1490) nm that used in Optical Line Terminal (OLT) and Optical Network Units (ONU’s) in system architecture of Ethernet passive optical network at different bit rate and different fiber optic length. The results showed enhancement in network performance by increase the number of nodes (subscribers) connected to the network, increase the transmission distance, reduces the received power and reduces the Bit Error Rate (BER).