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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2010) 17 (4) 31 – 44
Laboratory Study about the Possibility of Eichhornia Growth in Industrial Wastewater and its Ability to Absorb Heavy Metals
Tameem Aleya | Hassan Junaidee | Leena Salama |
Higher Institute of Environmental Researches, Tishreen University, Syria |
Eichhornia crassipes is a tropical aquatic plant of American origin that grows on the surface of fresh water. Eichhornia at recent time is used to treat domestic and industrial wastewater. In this research, Eichhornia is used to decrease the concentrations of lead and cadmium in water media. The current changes over the plants endurance for different concentrations by continuing the morphological changes, which have appeared during the experiment, has been studied. The heavy metals concentrations of the media are measured during two days. At the end of the experiment, analysis for metals are also carried out on the plant samples to determine the effect of different media on metal accumulation by roots and aerial parts of the plants. The results showed that the plant is able to absorb the lead and accumulate it in its rooted part more than aerial part along with the preservation of its growth and shape at the concentration up to 100ppm. However, it cannot survive in a good way in the water media which contain cadmium of concentrations (3.07-61.93ppm).
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Keywords: Heavy metal, eichhornia, industrial wastewater.