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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2011) 18(1) 42- 57 (Arabic)

Laboratory Assessment for Clays Used for Filling Dams Dykes and Embankments

Khaled A. A. Al-Hadad, Department of Applied Earth Sciences, University of Mosul, Iraq


Laboratory tests and analysis results for materials chosen from al-Adhaim site indicate that either suitable according to American Standards for use as clays quarries for filling, dams, dykes and embankments or unsuitable for one or more reasons. Treatments take place ,according to type of  problems for example physical  problem , as excess in silt and sand particles percentages , also decrease in clays particles  percentage ,vice versa. In addition to physical foul, many treatments can be done, chemical problems such as excess in gypsum content, total dissolved salts and organic materials according to British Standards. In addition to chemical foul, by grass, plants roots, treatments done which can be done according to the causes of these problems.

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Keywords: Lining, Dams, Blending.

How to cite

TJES: Al-Hadad KAA. Laboratory Assessment for Clays Used for Filling Dams Dykes and Embankments. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2011; 18(1): 42-57 (in Arabic)
APA: Al-Hadad K. A. A., (2011). Laboratory Assessment for Clays Used for Filling Dams Dykes and Embankments. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 18(1), 42-57 (in Arabic).


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