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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2011) 18(1) 69- 79 (Arabic)
Study of Acid Rain in Tikrit City
Khaled H. Latef, Environmental Eng., Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq.
A study of the degree of acidity for the precipitation in four different sites in Tikrit city was done for the period from 1-February to 1-April/2007, which is the period of rains in this year.
Chemical tests included (pH) as the direct indicator of the degree of acidity, and the concentration of sulphates (SO4-2) and nitrates (NO-3) as indirect indicator.
The (pH) range was (5.56-6.4) which indicates the presence of acid rain in the area under study. (SO4-2) concentrations range was (88-223) mg/l while (NO-3) concentrations range was (80-170) mg/l.
The wind velocity, temperature, and humidity during the sample collection period ranged (2.25-4) m/s, (1-26)0C, (22%-90%) respectively.
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Keywords: Acid Rain, Discharge coefficient.
How to cite
TJES: Latef KH. Study of Acid Rain in Tikrit City. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2011; 18(1): 69-79 (in Arabic)
APA: Latef K.H., (2011). Study of Acid Rain in Tikrit City. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 18(1), 69-79 (in Arabic)