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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2011) 18(1) 45- 55

Color Measurement and Color Spaces Analysis for TV Using the (Commission International D’Éclairage) CIE System Evaluation

Riad Mitieb Mahmod Mohammed Hasan Derwish Khamees Khalaf Hasan
Electrical Eng. Dept., College of Engineering, Tikrit University, Iraq


Color is a perceived phenomenon and not a physical dimension like length or temperature, although the electromagnetic radiation of the visible wavelength spectrum is measurable as a physical quantity. A suitable form of representation must be found for storing, displaying, and processing color images. This representation must be well suited to the mathematical demands of a color image-processing algorithm, to the technical conditions of a camera, printer, or television, and to human color perception as well. These various demands cannot be met equally well simultaneously. For this reason, differing representations are used in color image processing according to the processing goal. Color spaces indicate color coordinate systems in which the image values of a color image are represented. The standard color system, established by the International Lighting Commission CIE (Commission Internationale de I ’Eclairage), will be described. This system represents the international reference system of color measurement. The contribution deals with the Matlab application used for television and color spaces analysis. All of the color spaces can be derived from the RGB information supplied by devices such as cameras and scanners. There is a list of common color spaces. The application allows selection of input color image, direct and backward transformation into the selected space including CIE diagram picture analysis and NTSC system. The additional functions of this research are evaluation of histogram of colors. The Color Spaces application outputs are introduced on various test pictures.

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Keywords: CIE, Color Spaces, RGB, image analysis.

How to cite

TJES: Mahmod RM, Derwish MH, Hasan KK. Color Measurement and Color Spaces Analysis for TV Using the (Commission International D’Éclairage) CIE System Evaluation. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2011; 18(1): 45-55

APA: Mahmod R.M., Derwish M.H., Hasan K.K. (2011). Color Measurement and Color Spaces Analysis for TV Using the (Commission International D’Éclairage) CIE System Evaluation. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 18(1), 45-55.

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