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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2011) 18(1) 1- 8 (Arabic)

A Prediction of Power Duration Curve from the Optimal Operation of the Multi Reservoirs System

Abdul Wahab Younis Odae Yousif Thanon
Water Resource Dept. College of Eng., University of Mosul, Iraq Ministry of Electricity – General Directorate of Electricity Production Projects, Iraq


This study aims of predication Power Duration Curves (PDC) resulting from the optimal operation of the multi reservoirs system which comprises the reservoirs of Bakhma dam, Dokan dam and Makhool dam for the division of years over 30 years. Discrete Differential Dynamic Programming (DDDP) has been employed to find the optimal operation of the said reservoirs.
PDC representing the relationship between the generated hydroelectric power and percentage of operation time equaled or exceeded. The importance of these curves lies in knowing the volume of electric power available for that percentage of operation time. The results have shown that the sum of yearly hydroelectric power for average Release and for the single operation was 5410,1604,2929 (Mw)for the reservoirs of Bakhma, Dokan, Makhool dams, which resulted from the application of independent DDDP technology. Also, the hydroelectric power whose generation can be guaranteed for 90% of the time is 344.91,107.7,188.15 (Mw) for the single operation and 309.1,134.08,140.7 (Mw) for the operation as a one system for the reservoirs of Bakhma, Dokan, and Makhool dams respectively.

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Keywords: Multi reservoirs, Optimal operation, Power curve .

How to cite

TJES: Younis AW. A., Thanon OY., Prediction of Power Duration Curve from the Optimal Operation of the Multi Reservoirs System. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2011; 18(1): 1-8 (in Arabic)
APA: Younis A.W. Thanon O.Y., (2011). Prediction of Power Duration Curve from the Optimal Operation of the Multi Reservoirs System. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 18(1), 1-8 (in Arabic).


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