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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2011) 18(2) 44- 54 (Arabic)

Study of Scour Downstream Different Shapes of Culverts

Ebrahem A.  Al Hafed, Research Center for Dams and Water Resources, University of Mosul, Iraq


In this research a laboratory study was carried out to investigate the scour phenomenon in sandy soil beds downstream different shapes of culverts, Four   shapes of culverts such as circular, ellipse, rectangular and square were used. So, a best hydraulic section was used in rectangular and ellipse shapes. The study includes the measurement and comparison of maximum scour depth and length of scour hole downstream these different shapes of culverts. Also, the distribution of soil parts was studied. It was used five discharges for each one of culvert.
Laboratory results of this study showed that the minimum depth of scour in the same discharge occurred downstream ellipse culvert and then rectangular culvert and then square culvert and the last circular culvert.

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Keywords: Rectangle culvert, Square culvert, Circular culvert , ellipse culvert, Scour .

How to cite

TJES: Al-Hafed EA, Study of Scour Downstream Different Shapes of Culverts. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2011; 18(2): 44-54 (in Arabic)
APA: Al-Hafed, E.A., (2011). Study of Scour Downstream Different Shapes of Culverts. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 18(2), 44-54, (in Arabic).


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