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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2011) 18(2) 1- 17 (Arabic)
Advance of Wetting Front in Silt Loam Soil under a Trickle Line Source
Mohamed T. Mahmood | Haki E. Yassen |
Water Resources Dept. , University of Mosul, Iraq |
Under drip irrigation, the plant’s root is concentrated inside the wetted bulb (region). Thus, the development of these roots and the plant production are greatly affected by the wetting pattern. Therefore, the wetting pattern of soil under drip irrigation must be taken into consideration in the design of drip irrigation system for both single dripping source and multi-overlapping wetting patterns of dripping water sources.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of initial water content of the soil and spacing between two adjacent dripping sources with different flow rate on the movement of the wetting front.
This study included 16 tests for monitoring the advancement of the wetting front with time during and after the water application phase. The water advance and water distribution measurement are carried out for two cases of the soil profile: for the first case with initial volumetric water content of 4.08% and for the second case with initial volumetric water content of 12.24%. Two spacing between the emitter were tested 25cm and 50 cm using application flow rates of 0.606, 1.212, 1.818, and 2.424 cm3 /min/cm to show the combined effect of spacing and flow rate on the performance of two adjacent emitter.
The study proposed a method for determining the spacing between the two emitting sources, the water application rate and watering time. The proposed method depends on a wetted zone whose depth is equal to the root zone depth with a values equals to the maximum vertical advance of the wetting front underneath the drip line at time when this depth is equal to the depth of wetting at midpoint between the drip lines. The study revealed that both the vertical water advance in soil underneath the emitter and the horizontal advance of the wetting front is larger than those in the case of single emitter.
Furthermore, the vertical water advance increases with the decrease spacing between the two drip lines. Also, the horizontal advance of the wetting front is not affected by varying this spacing for both studied cases of initial water content.
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Keywords: Trickle irrigation, wetting front, Initial water content, Spacing.
How to cite
TJES: Mahmood MT, Yassen HE, Advance of Wetting Front in Silt Loam Soil under a Trickle Line Source. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2011; 18(2): 1-17 (in Arabic)
APA: Mahmood M.T, Yassen H.E., (2011). Advance of Wetting Front in Silt Loam Soil under a Trickle Line Source. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 18(2), 1-17, (in Arabic).