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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2011) 18(3) 16- 29 (Arabic)

Chemical Acidic Attack Resistance of Lightweight Concrete with Additives

Salwa H. Ahmed, Environmental Engineering Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq


This research was studied the effect of H2SO4 (8%), HCl (8%) acidic and wastewater) pH= 5.1, SO4= = 850mg/L, Cl=750 mg/L, TDS = 2500 mg/L (on the lightweight concrete by using limestone as lightweight aggregate and using the foam material (Light Crete). Super plasticizers (SP) also used to enhance the properties of the lightweight concrete. Studying the effect of acidic solution and wastewater was done by calculating the percentage of decrease in weight and compressive strength of concrete prisms (100 * 100 * 400) mm, where the small portion of the flexural modulus test was submerged completely in the above solutions, and the salt rising was observed by immersion (100) mm depth from the second portion of the prism in the above solutions. Results show that the H2SO4 have influence larger than HCl for the decrease of weight on the normal concrete while the effect of HCl was larger than H2SO4 on lightweight concrete with limestone and its effect was less than H2SO4 on the lightweight concrete with foam. The results also shown that the effect of H2SO4 on the normal concrete by decreasing of compressive strength was less than the  effect of  HCl, while the effect of  H2SO4 on foam lightweight concrete was large and its effects was small on lightweight concrete containing SP and Limestone. The wastewater did not shown significant effect on the weight decrease percentage due to lack of concentration of sulfates and chlorides in the wastewater, but for the loss of compressive strength. The results showed that the wastewater does not significantly effect on the resistance of normal concrete and lightweight concrete containing Limestone, while the effect was larger on lightweight concrete with SP and Limestone used as fine and coarse aggregates and on lightweight concrete foam.

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Keywords: lightweight concrete, sulfuric acid, Hydrochloric acid, (HRWRA), foam material


How to cite

TJES: Ahmed SH. Chemical Acidic Attack Resistance of Lightweight Concrete with Additives. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2011; 18(3): 16-29, (in Arabic)
APA: Ahmed S. H., (2011). Chemical Acidic Attack Resistance of Lightweight Concrete with Additives. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 18(3), 1-15, (in Arabic).

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