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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2011) 18(3) 61- 67
Design of a Doherty Power Amplifier for GSM Systems
Saad Wasmi Osman Luhaib, Electrical Eng., Dept., University of Mosul, Iraq
This paper presents the design and analysis of Doherty power amplifier. The Doherty amplifier is used in a base station for mobile system because of its high efficiency. The class AB power amplifier used in the configuration of the main and auxiliary amplifier. The result obtained shows that the Doherty power amplifier can be used on a wide band spectrum, the amplifier works at 900MHz and has very good power added efficiency (PAE) and gain. The amplifier can also work at 1800MHz at input power greater than 20dBm.
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Keywords: Power Amplifier, Doherty Amplifier, Classes Amplifier.
How to cite
TJES: Luhaib SWO., Design of a Doherty Power Amplifier for GSM Systems. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2011; 18(3): 61-67
APA: Luhaib S. W. O., (2011). Design of a Doherty Power Amplifier for GSM Systems. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 18(3), 61-67.