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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2011) 18(3) 68- 80
Minimizing the Moisture Damage and Drain down of Iraqi SMA Mixtures Using Waste Additives
Ali Al-Hadidy | Ayman Talib Hameed |
Civil Eng. Dept.- University of Mosul, Iraq |
This research deals with the viability of using polyester fiber (PF), crumb rubber tire (CRT) and cellulose fiber (CF) as stabilizing waste additives in producing Iraqi SMA mixtures that sustain drain down phenomenon and moisture damage sensitivity. Different ratios of these additives (0.1, 0.2, and 0.3% by weight of aggregate and filler) were mixed with 40/50 paving asphalt by means of dry process. Unmodified and modified SMA mixtures were subjected to drain down, Marshall, static indirect tensile strength, tensile stiffness modulus, static compressive strength, tensile strength ratio and index of retained strength tests. A set of regression equations between these tests were established. In addition, an optimization table based on these tests, which can be used to select the type or amount of additive for any field applications has been determined and reported. The results indicated that the inclusion of these additives in SMA mixtures could satisfy the performance requirement of high temperature and much rain zone.
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Keywords: Additives; Stone matrix asphalt; Waste materials; Scrap tires; Optimization.
How to cite
TJES: Al-Hadidy A., Minimizing the Moisture Damage and Drain down of Iraqi SMA Mixtures Using Waste Additives. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2011; 18(3): 68-80
APA: Al-Hadidy A., (2011). Minimizing the Moisture Damage and Drain down of Iraqi SMA Mixtures Using Waste Additives. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 18(3), 68-80.