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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2011) 18(4) 88- 103

Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Characteristic in banks Flat Tubes

Amer Jameel Shareef Abdulmajeed A. Ramadhan
Mechanical Engineering Dep.- AL-Anbar University, Iraq


In this research a study effect of the length ratio (L/Da) and the height ratio (H/Da) for banks flat tube heat exchanger In-Line and staggered arrangement on force convection heat transfer and friction coefficient by (Fluent-CFD) numerical program.
The governing equations (mass, momentum and energy) are solving by using Finite Volume (Fluent-CFD) software for considering steady state, two dimensional, at constant heat flux with Reynold’s number (100≤Re≤8000).
The results show that increasing (H/Da), (L/Da) lead to decreasing friction coefficient and enhancement of (Nu) is at (H/Da=2) for all (L/Da) values In-line arrangement and at (H/Da =2, L/Da =5) for staggered arrangement.

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Keywords: banks flat tubes, convection heat transfer, and fluid flow.

How to cite

TJES: Shareef, AJ, Ramadhan AA. Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Characteristic in banks Flat Tubes. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2011; 18(4): 88-103
APA: Shareef, A. J, Ramadhan A. A., (2011). Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Characteristic in banks Flat Tubes. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 18(4), 88-103.


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