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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2011) 18(4) 1- 16 (Arabic)

The Application of Public Participation Method in Forming the Urban Future for Alchipayish City

Hamid Turky Heil Rasheed hamed Yaseen
College of Eng. Slahaldeen University, Iraq College of Eng. Tikrit University, Iraq


Since the sixteenths of the previous century the criticizing started to face the rational methods in urban planning, urban design and architecture. Modernism had been criticized on large scale, so that the architecture of post-modern emerged; and the public participation appeared in deciding urban settlements future. This change was due to democratic methodology in dealing with societies requirements. What led to this methodology was the people tend to think of their cities future. This methodology exposed among the societies of wide sum of information’s techniques, where these tools could be used as communication channels between all discipliners and planners to achieve the public participation steps.
On other side, the current methods in deciding the urban environment in Iraq still follow the centralization method, explaining this case that this public participation demands the existing of communication tools and the capability of people to use them. Here, the research problem emerged as a uncertainty of success possibility of implementing the public participation to achieve decisions in urban field, incase applied on simple Iraqi rural and urban settlements.
Alchipayish City has been chosen as a study case matching research hypotheses test due to many reasons, the most important one is its being small city, like a village contains a simple society.
The public participation applied by a workshop, by which many discipline issues discussed, deducting important results, used successfully in forming comprehensive urban plan for the city future, out of people decisions themselves. This experiment proved that it is possible to apply this methodology on simple societies.

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Keywords: Public Participation, Urban Planning, Spatial Development, Workshop.

How to cite

TJES: Heil, HT, Yaseen RH. The Application of Public Participation Method in Forming the Urban Future for Alchipayish City. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2011; 18(4): 1-16 (in Arabic)
APA: Heil, H. T, Yaseen R. H., (2011). The Application of Public Participation Method in Forming the Urban Future for Alchipayish City. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 18(4), 1-16 (in Arabic).


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