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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2011) 18(4) 17- 26 (Arabic)

Performance Evaluation of Wastewater Treated Plant for Ninava Drug Factory

Amar Thamir Hamad Musaab Al-Tamer
Civil Eng. Dept., College of Eng. University of Mosul, Iraq


In this study the characteristics of raw and treated wastewater from Ninava drug factory were evaluated. The results revealed that the strength of raw wastewater can be classified as medium concentrated wastewater with respect to its BOD5 since the average value is 231.7 mg/l. In addition a strong correlations were found between many characteristics of raw waste. The characteristics of produced effluent from waste water treatment plant of the factory were within the Iraqi specification for the disposed wastewater constraints in 1997, where the average is 7.8 for pH, 40mg/l for SS, 2.8 mg/l for PO4-3, 45 mg/l for BOD5 and 104.3 mg/l for COD. The heavy metals concentrations for both raw and treated wastewater is to be less than those of the related literatures for Tigris river, municipal wastewater and water supply in Mosul city, the average heavy metal concentrations of raw and treated wastewater were 0.5 mg/l for Iron, 0.2 mg/l for zinc and 0.005 mg/l for copper, and there is no significant difference between raw and treated heavy metal concentrations.

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Keywords: water quality, Ninava Drug Factory, Tigris River.

How to cite

TJES: Hamad AM., Al-Tamer M. Performance Evaluation of Wastewater Treated Plant for Ninava Drug Factory. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2011; 18(4): 17-26 (in Arabic)
APA: Hamad A. M., Al-Tamer M., (2011). Performance Evaluation of Wastewater Treated Plant for Ninava Drug Factory. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 18(4), 17-26 (in Arabic).

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