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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2011) 18(4) 40- 47

Improvement the Transmission Efficiency for Wireless Packet Communication Systems using Automatic Control for power and Time Slot Width of Slotted Non Persistent ISMA Protocol

Saad Meshhen Hardan,  Electrical Engineering Department, Tikrit University, Iraq


In packed communication systems which use a protocol, the protocol should perform the allocation of channels such that the transmission channel is used efficiently. Efficiency is usually measured in terms of channel throughput and the average transmission  delay. The Slotted Nonpersistent ISMA protocol is one of random access protocols used in packed communication systems. In this research a Slotted Nonpersistent ISMA protocol Model with automatic control for power and time slot is proposed. the suggested algorithm enable the base station(access point) to control  the protocol time slot length and  transmission power in a dynamic way to control the normalized propagation delay d and to maintain all the uplink signals in the limit of captured power threshold (capture ratio) in order to control the  throughput and the average transmission delay of the communication system by an automatic method. the computer simulation results  confirm the activity of the  proposed algorithm for increasing the  throughput and decreasing the average transmission delay by an accepted ratios.

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Keywords: ISMA protocol, CDMA, Throughput (S), Average Transmission Delay (D), Packet Communication Systems.

How to cite

TJES: Hardan, SM. Improvement the Transmission Efficiency for Wireless Packet Communication Systems using Automatic Control for power and Time Slot Width of Slotted Non persistent ISMA Protocol. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2011; 18(4): 40-47
APA: Hardan, SM., (2011). Improvement the Transmission Efficiency for Wireless Packet Communication Systems using Automatic Control for power and Time Slot Width of Slotted Non persistent ISMA Protocol. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 18(4), 29-39.

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