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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2013) 20(1) 1-9

Speed Control of Separately Excited D.C. Motor using Self-Tuned Parameters of PID Controller

Abdul-Kareem Z. Mansoor Thair A. Salih Fawaz S. Abdullah
Power Eng. Dept., Technical College, Mosul, Iraq Computer Eng. Dept., Technical College, Mosul, Iraq Power Eng. Dept., Technical College, Mosul, Iraq


This paper presents a simulation and hardware implementation of a closed loop control of a separately excited D.C. motor using a self-tuning PID controller. The PID controller design is based on using the Field Programmable Analog Array (FPAA) technology. Parameters tuning of the PID controller is achieved by using the genetic algorithm (GA). The FPAA controller based technology gives the advantage of low power, no quantization noise, high bandwidth and high speed response. The practical results show that a self-tuning controller can outperform a hand-tuned solution and demonstrate adaptability to plant drift; also it gives very acceptable results in the reduction of overshoot, stability time and the steady-state transient response of the controlled plant.

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KeywordsPID controller, FPAA, Self-tuning, GA.

How to cite

TJES: Mansoor AZ, Salih TA, Abdullah FS. Speed Control of Separately Excited D.C. Motor using Self-Tuned Parameters of PID ControllerTikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2013; 20(1): 1-9.
APA: Mansoor, A. Z., Salih, T. A., & Abdullah, F. S. (2013). Speed Control of Separately Excited D.C. Motor using Self-Tuned Parameters of PID Controller. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 20(1), 1-9.
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