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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2013) 20(1) 30-38

Adsorption of Lead and Chromium from Aqueous Solutions by Using Syrian Sand- Kinetic Study

Nuha Hwwa
Hums Sugar Company, Syria


In this research study the effectiveness of removing heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions using sand in the area of Syrian villages and Alpedrosia. Aqueous solutions were used for each of the anthropogenic ions chromium and lead concentrations in (5-100) mg / l .and at pH = 4.5 and constant temperature T = 30oC was to determine the concentration of lead and chromium ions remaining in solution The results showed that the contact time between the ion solution is artificial and community sandy studied and the 24-hour enough “to reach a concentration equilibrium. It was found that removal majority of the ions of lead and chromium being staged on the sandy be within 6 hours the first time to seek, and that the increase in ions adsorbed slightly up to 24 hours, And conclude that the sand Alpedrosia very effective adsorption better than the sand villages, and that the selective media sand studied for ions lead better than Bcward chrome and matches the equation curve adsorption of ions chromium and lead on the sandy Alpedrosia and villages with the equivalent to the Longmuir’s theory.

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KeywordsAdsorption, Longmuir’s Theory, Heavy Metal.

How to cite

TJES: Hwwa N. Adsorption of Lead and Chromium from Aqueous Solutions by Using Syrian Sand- Kinetic StudyTikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2013; 20(1): 30-38.
APA: Hwwa, N. (2013). Adsorption of Lead and Chromium from Aqueous Solutions by Using Syrian Sand- Kinetic Study. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 20(1), 30-38.
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