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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2013) 20(1) 51-63
Properties of Ferrocement Slabs Containing Sawdust
Aziz Ibrahim Abdulla | Yassen Ali Salih | Haifa Mahdi Saleh |
College of Engineering, Tikrit University, Iraq |
This research included the study of influence of sawdust addition on the properties of mortar and ferrocement slabs and study the influence of treatment sawdust on the static and dynamic properties of the Sawdust Ferrocement Slabs (SFS). In the present work, addition a different sawdust percentage ranged between (10% to 50%) of the volume of fine aggregate to cement mortar and superplasticizer was used to increase compressive strength and workability of cement mortar. The tests include, samples of cubes and prisms were tested for compressive strength and modulus of rupture and calculated the thermal conductivity for Sawdust Cement Mortar (SCM). The results show a significant improvement in the properties of cement mortar in terms of thermal insulation, the values of thermal conductivity ranged between (0.54 to 0.31) W/(m.K) ) to the ratio mixes respectively. While for the ferrocement mix without any sawdust ratio up to 0.65 W/(m.K) and this mean an improvement in the performance of mixtures of thermal insulation by 17% to 52%. The best sawdust ratio for the compressive strength is 30% where the value of thermal conductivity then is 0.38 W/(m.K) and the value of compressive strength of (29 Mpa). Also, Sawdust Ferrocement Slabs (SFS) (treated and untreated) were cast and tested under static and dynamic loads effect. The results show a good improvement in the mechanical properties of (SFS) under these loads.
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Keywords: Impact Loads, Thermal Insulation, Super Plasticizer, Ferrocement, Cement Mortar, Sawdust.