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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2013) 20(1) 21-28
New Design of Mobile Robot Path Planning with Randomly Moving Obstacles
Thair Ali Salih | Mustafa Zuhear Nayef |
Computer Eng. Dept., Technical College, Mosul, Iraq |
The navigation of a mobile robot in an unknown environment has always been a very challenging task. In order to achieve safe and autonomous navigation, the mobile robot needs to sense the surrounding environment and plans a collision-free path. This paper focuses on designing and implementing a mobile robot which has the ability of navigating smoothly in an unknown environment, avoiding collisions, without having to stop in front of obstacles, detecting leakage of combustible gases and transmitting a message of detection results to the civil defense unit automatically through the Internet to the E-mail. This design uses the implementation of artificial neural network (ANN) on a new technology represented by Field Programmable Analog Array (FPAA) for controlling the motion of the robot. The robot with the proposed controller is tested and has completed the required objective successfully.
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Keywords: Mobile robot, Field Programmable Analog Array (FPAA), Artificial Neural Networks, Gas sensor.