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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2013) 20(1) 15-29

Effect of Recycle Ratio and Hydraulic Retention Time on the Performance of Extended Aeration Activated Sludge

Waleed M. Sh. Alabdraba Masood Mihsen Hazaa
Environmental Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq


Three laboratory scale units are designed and constructed in order to perform the present work. These units are capable of working under different hydraulic retention time (HRT) (16-32hrs), recycle ratio (0.25–1.5), and temperature (20 -35 ̊C). The results show that BOD5, COD, NO3-1, PO4-3 removal is increased with increasing HRT and recycle ratio under different temperatures. The maximum removal efficiency of COD and BOD5 is 97.16 % and 97.99 % respectively under 24 hrs retention time, 1.5 recycle ratio and 20 ̊C. However, the maximum removal efficiency of NO3-1 (83 %) was obtained under the same mentioned condition except temperature which was 35 ̊C. The maximum removal efficiency of PO4-3 (76.59 %) is obtained at 32hrs HRT, 1.25 recycle ratio, and 20 ̊C. It is obvious from the results of the present work that BOD5, COD, and NO3-1 removal increased with increasing temperature while; PO4-3 removal is decreased with increasing temperature.

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KeywordsRecycle Ratio, Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT), Temperature, Domestic Wastewater.

How to cite

TJES: Alabdraba WMS, Hazaa MM. Effect of Recycle Ratio and Hydraulic Retention Time on the Performance of Extended Aeration Activated SludgeTikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2013; 20(1): 15-29.
APA: Alabdraba, W. M. S., & Hazaa, M. M. (2013). Effect of Recycle Ratio and Hydraulic Retention Time on the Performance of Extended Aeration Activated Sludge. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 20(1), 15-29.
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