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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2013) 20(2) 12-17

The Spatial Analysis for Some Geotechnical Properties in the Left Side of Mosul City by GIS

Suhail I. Khattab Rasheed S. Abid Bashar M. A. Abdulla
Civil Eng. Dept., University of Mosul, Iraq Remote Sensing Center, University of Mosul, Iraq Civil Eng. Dept., University of Mosul, Iraq


It’s possible to use the recently technique and programs to assist in process geotechnical analysis such as prediction of geotechnical properties in the left side of Mosul city about (131) km2 , as water content , gypsum content , water table elevation…. etc , that is significant effect of the soil , from more than 300 boreholes in the study area , with depth (1-35) m. Based on the data collecting from several resources this research performs advance spatial statistical analysis that is available in the GIS programs. It is getting on mathematical and statistical relationship that is using in the prediction works.

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KeywordsSpatial Analysis, Water Content, Gypsum Content, Cavity, GIS.

How to cite

TJES: Khattab SI, Abid RS, Abdulla BMA. The Spatial Analysis for Some Geotechnical Properties in the Left Side of Mosul City by GISTikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2013; 20(2): 12-17.
APA: Khattab, S. I., Abid, R. S., & Abdulla, B. M. A. (2013). The Spatial Analysis for Some Geotechnical Properties in the Left Side of Mosul City by GIS. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 20(2), 12-17.
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