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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2013) 20(2) 18-26
Comparison between Theoretical Simulation and Experimental Result for Continues Fermenter Product the Baker’s Yeast
Abdulqahar M. M Al-Samarray |
Chemical Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq |
Baker’s yeast is an important additive to improve bread quality. Baker yeast produced in two methods (batch or continues fermenter). In this investigation the continuous operating conditions in reactors were studied to predict the best conditions of product. Experimental runs were implemented in a 12-liter pilot-scale fermenter. The simulation carried out between the experimental and the theoretical results and gives a good results presentation of growth rote, the rate of substrate additives, pH and rate of ethanol production. The process is modeled and par formed using a computer programming prepares for this purpose.
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Keywords: Continues Fermentation Process, Simulation, Baker Yeast.