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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2013) 20(2) 27-39
Study of the Flexural Behavior of Ferrocement Element Subjected to Heating Conditions by High Degrees of Temperature
Muyasr M. Jouma |
Civil Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq |
The research study has performed to investigate the ferrocement beam element which is subjected to rise of temperature under different flexural loads. The experimental program includes a ferrocement beams fabricated of cement mortar contained varying number of layers (or variable volume fraction ratio) of steel welded wire mesh of square openings (4, 6, and 8 layers). Four groups of beams were studied ; all beams have the same dimensions, and exposed to three temperature rates namely ( 333°C, 453 °C and 600°C) and compared to the control ferrocement beams (reference group) without exposing to temperature rate. The main three parameters of the ferrocement beams (mix ratio, number of steel wire mesh layers and rising of temperature degree) as a structural performance parameters used for comparing ultimate flexure failure load and load- deflection relations . Throughout this study, the properties of ferrocement elements subjected to heating conditions are very important for structural stability, structural behavior and durability.
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Keywords: Ferrocement Technology, Ultimate Flexural Load, High Performance Mortar, Load-Deflection Response.