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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2013) 20(2) 13-28

A Correlative Measurement of an Hourly Record of Solar Radiation and Climatological Parameters 

Fayadh M. Abed Al-Dulaimy Ghazi-Yousif- Mohammed
Mechanical Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq


A correlation of measured data for the solar radiation on a horizontal surface at ambient temperature and humidity was achieved. For all measurements being hourly averaged to fifth order polynomial. The data correlated to a second degree equation with time for an hourly, daily and monthly obtained data. This correlated data compared to best predictive models for the same site of observation. However these measurements appeared to be sensitive to minor and major changes of local weather patterns which is reflected in a deviation to about 4% to the lower margin and 5% to its higher margin.

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KeywordsNanofluid; Laminar Flow; Pressure Drop; Heat Transfer Enhancement; Forced Convection.

How to cite

TJES: Al-Dulaimy FMA, Mohammed GY. A Correlative Measurement of an Hourly Record of Solar Radiation and Climatological ParametersTikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2013; 20(2): 13-28.
APA: Al-Dulaimy, F. M. A., & Mohammed, G. Y. (2013). A Correlative Measurement of an Hourly Record of Solar Radiation and Climatological Parameters. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 20(2), 13-28.
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