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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2013) 20(2) 60-69
Vertical Forced Vibration Effect on Natural Convective Performance of Longitudinal Fin Heat Sinks
Abdalhamid Rafea Sarhan |
Mechanical Eng. Dept., University of Anbar, Iraq |
This paper reports an experimental study for the effect of forced vertical vibrations on natural convection heat transfer, by the use of longitudinally finned plate made from Aluminum with dimensions (100, 300 and 3 mm). The sample of test was heated under the condition of a constant heat flux which is generated by applying an alternating voltage on a fixed resistor mounted on the underside of the sample test which was located horizontally or inclined in multiple angles at a range of (30°,60oand 90°). An experimental set-up was constructed and calibrated, 16 sets of fin-arrays were tested in atmosphere. Fin length, fin thicknesses and fin height were fixed at 300 mm, 3 mm and 13 mm respectively. The base-to-ambient temperature difference was also varied independently and systematically with the power supply to the heater ranging from 250 W/m2 to 1500W/m2. The frequency was varied at (0, 2, 6, 10 and 16 Hz) and the amplitude wain the range of (1.63-7.16 mm).The relation between the heat transfer coefficient and the amplitude of vibration is directly proportional with the inclination angle from (0o, 30o, 60o).Results show that the heat transfer coefficients of the heated plate in (30o) angle are about (19.27%) greater than those for the (60o) and exceeds that of the (90o) by (31.4%).
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Keywords: Natural Convection, Forced Vibration, Longitudinal Fins.