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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2013) 20(2) 70-80
Fuzzy logic Control of Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor
Duraid Fadhil Ahmed | Maha Nazar Esmaeel |
Chemical Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq |
The mathematical modeling of continuous stirred tank reactor system is developed based on the mass and energy balances for the reactor and heating system. The system is studied by introducing step change in concentration, inlet flow, flow of heating fluid, inlet temperature and heating fluid temperature and measuring the temperature change in the reactor. In this paper, a fuzzy logic controller has been designed and evaluated. Through simulation study by using MATLAB, it has been shown that the proposed fuzzy logic controller has given an excellent tracking and regulation performance compared to that of the PID control system.
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Keywords: Mathematical Modeling of Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor, MATLAB Simulation, Fuzzy Logic, PID Controller.