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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2013) 20(3) 53-63
Using of Index Approach to Assess Water of Tigris River as a Source to Water Treatment Plants in Salah-Alden Province, Iraq
Muhammed Muthanna Nua’man
Environmental Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq
Water quality degradation in the Tigris River would occur in the last two decades since pollutant loads from agriculture drainages, municipal wastewaters, and industrial wastewaters are not envisaged to be handled effectively. This will face the problems of water quality status which is used for multiple purposes, and drinking is one of these. This study used the Bhargava Water Quality Index (WQI) method as a tool to assess the water quality status of Tigris River as a source of raw water for water treatment plants within Salah-Alddin Province. For this purpose, six sectors along the mainstream were chosen to take water samples from January 2010 until December 2010. The study had shown that the stream WQI lies between 2nd class (good -84.31) to 5th class (poor – 39.73). Decline of WQI values had appeared in all sectors in (January and February 2010) and improved after February 2010. The median values of WQI for Balad sector were the lowest in comparison with other sectors due to the effect of human, animal and agricultural activities, whereas, the median values of WQI for Al-dour sector was the highest because the strong hydraulic mix in addition to high water velocity.
Keywords: Water Quality Index (WQI), Drinking, Bhargava, Salah-alddin, Iraq.
How to cite
TJES: Nua’man MM.Using of Index Approach to Assess Water of Tigris River as a Source to Water Treatment Plants in Salah-Alden Province, Iraq. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2013; 20(3): 53-63.
APA: Nua’man, M. M.(2013). Using of Index Approach to Assess Water of Tigris River as a Source to Water Treatment Plants in Salah-Alden Province, Iraq.Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 20(3), 53-63.