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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2013) 20(4) 1-10

Evaluation of Future Performance of Northern Fatha Storage System in Hydropower Generation

Yousif Hashim Al-Aqily Kamel Ali Abdul Muhsin
Water Resource Eng. Dept., University of Mosul, Iraq


A study of the Northern Fatha Reservoir System within the Tigris River Basin (Iraq) has been carried out with the aim of exploring the capability of the system to generate hydroelectric power. A simulation model using SIMULINK technique in the Matlab platform is built to mimic the system and its components (Mosul reservoir, Dokan reservoir, Bakhma reservoir, and Makhool reservoir) The reliability of the system under different future scenarios of inputs is also been studied by means of a stochastic model used to generate inflow time series. Thomas- Fiering model was selected for this purpose, which provided a wide spectrum of inputs (inflows) to generate hydropower from the reservoir system under study. Generally, the annual capability of the Northern Fatha subbasin for energy generation reaches 20000 GW-hr. Knowing that the country needs is around 12 GW of power, and the integrating power production of the basin under study was about 1.1GW, this would cover around 10% of the total demand, which is clearly significant.

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Keywords:  Reservoir System, Simulation, Hydropower Generation, Reliability.

How to cite

TJES: Al-Aqily YH, Muhsin KAA. Evaluation of Future Performance of Northern Fatha Storage System in Hydropower GenerationTikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2013; 20(4): 1-10.
APA: Al-Aqily, Y. H., & Muhsin, K. A. A. (2013). Evaluation of Future Performance of Northern Fatha Storage System in Hydropower Generation. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 20(4), 1-10.
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