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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2013) 20(4) 11-17
The Study of Effect of Applied Pressure on Microstructure and Actual Density for A380 Alloy by Use Squeeze Casting Process
Farouq Mansor Mahdi | Najeb Salman Abtan | Saad Ramathan Ahmed |
Mechanical Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq |
This present study shows, the effect of applying pressure at rang(10-84) MPa using squeeze casting process to improve the microstructure and actual density of Aluminum alloy A380 was studied.From fig(5) its clear that the microstructure of prepare casting samples consists of two phases of hard eutectic (Al-Si) and Primary α-Al. The effect of applying pressure leads to increase the surface fraction percentage of eutectic phase at (68-84) MPa, but the eutectic percentage was decreased at the same range the actual density was increased at (10,17,84) MP.
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Keywords: Squeeze Casting, Applied Pressure, Actual Density.