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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2013) 20(4) 18-23
The Effect of Magnetizing Irrigation Water on the Infiltration Rate in Soil
Anmar A. Al-Talib | Mohamed T. Mahmood | Omar M. Abdul Ghany |
Water Resource Eng. Dept., University of Mosul, Iraq |
Many Modern researches indicate that we can obtain many positive effects on water when it is exposed to magnetic fields and effects on sum water properties. The research included laboratory experiments on field soil samples to determine the effect of magnetized irrigation water on the infiltration rate. The results show clear increasing in water infiltration rate when using magnetic water. Compared with normal irrigation water for all experiment. The magnetizing of water was done by passing normal water through magnetic field of intensity equal to 650 GAUSS for ones, twice, four and eight times.
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Keywords: Magnetizing of Irrigation Water, Infiltration Rate.