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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2015) 22(1) 101-111
Structural Behavior of Fibrous Reinforced Concrete Hollow Core One-Way Slabs Strengthening by C.F.R.P
Wasif K. Majeed | Muyasser M. Joma’h | Mazin B. Abdulrahman |
Civil Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq |
A reinforced concrete hollow core one-way slab is one of the types of slabs used widely around the world in residential and industrial buildings to take advantage of them Economic and thermal insulation as well as to reduce the self-weight of the construction. The aim of the present study is to examine the structural behavior of the reinforced concrete hollow core one-way slabs reduce failure using the normal concrete and fibrous concrete and then strengthened using carbon fiber(CFRP) This study include molding of ( 6) specimens differ in terms of the voids volume (Vv) , volumetric percentage of steel fibers ()ا, and then strengthened by using fibers of carbon , with the aim of rehabilitation by fibers, carbon polymer (CFRP) is to find out how efficient element structural when treated after the occurrence of the failure and the validity of its use in the event of a failure has occurred entirely or partly in the roof, and re- examined using the same method and conditions that were examined ceilings is affected through it, knowing that these ceilings have been addressed and strengthened in the same way , the results of the tests of the models that have been rehabilitated using carbon fiber (CFRP), compared with the same models before strengthening and examined reduce failure, increased very high susceptibility endurance extreme , with the increase ranging from (51.6%) to (96.2%), as has been observed decrease in deflection value of models after strengthening by (CFRP). It is concluded through this study the possibility of using its concrete hollow core one-way slab as a roofing system for buildings also proved the highly efficient for this slab after rehabilitation using carbon fiber (CFRP).
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Keywords:Hollow core one-way slabs, Fibrous concrete, Carbon fibers.