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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2015) 22(1) 52- 68
Prediction of RC multi-story construction performance with a new proposed design spectrum approach
James H Haido
College of Engineering, University of Duhok, Iraq
The consideration of novel response spectrum analysis to check the reinforced concrete RC buildings resistance towards the seismic risks in Iraq has not been investigated so far. Due to the increasing of frequent earthquakes with moderate intensity in north of Iraq, caution should be taken into account in building design especially with considering the design codes. Where, there are no specific Iraqi standards of earthquake for building design. Thus, the proposing of new response spectrum relationship matching the properties of Kurdistan region (north of Iraq) soil is considered essential with considering of novel stiffness or inertia reduction factors for concrete sections. Present endeavor is devoted to develop new design spectra dynamic analysis of RC multistory building located in Duhok city-Iraq. Influence of proposed concrete section reduction factors on the analysis outcomes has been investigated also. Great role has been observed for introducing of stiffness reduction factors in present seismic analysis represent in magnifying of lateral deformation of building of more than 50%. Proper matching was obtained between current proposed spectrum design outputs and that for other analytical approaches.
TJES: Haido JH. Prediction of RC multi-story construction performance with a new proposed design spectrum approach. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2015;22(1):52-68.
APA: Haido, J. H. (2015). Prediction of RC multi-story construction performance with a new proposed design spectrum approach. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 22(1), 52-68.