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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2015) 22(1) 94-100
Treatment of sludge produced from AL-Dubaiee Station using Drying beds
Mezher M. Ibraheem | Mohammad T. Humoud | |
Petroleum and Mineral College, Tikrit University | Engineering Affairs Dept., Tikrit University |
The present drying beds of Al-Dubaiee waste water treatment station is not enough, thus, the present study is performed. In this work, many experiments have been made in order to find out the optimum thickness of the drying bed and to find suitable filtration agents from local materials. Moreover the effect of flocculent agents is tested. The results show that optimum thickness is 30 cm of brick and 25 cm of sand. Ferric concentration of 100 mg/l gives the best results. It is also found that drying efficiency is improved with reducing specific filtration resistance. The effluent waste water is found suitable for agriculture purpose concerned heavy metal concentration. Special drying bed (handy slop towards center) is constructed and it is found that the required area is reduced by 50%.
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Keywords:Drying beds, flocculent agent.