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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2016) 23(2) 1- 9
Parametric Study for Nitrogen Separation from Air by Pressure Swing Adsorption Using Carbon Molecular Sieve
Zaid A. Abdel-Rahman | Abdulbasit H. Mhdi | Heba S. Auob |
Chemical Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq |
The separation of air by carbon molecular sieve (CMS) adsorption was studied in this work over a range of adsorption pressure of (2–8) bar. Breakthrough curves showed no significant effect of the pressure on product nitrogen purity and adsorbent capacity above 4 bar. Maximum purity of about 98% is observed for time up to 60 s. Adsorbent capacity obtained is in agreement with multicomponent Langmuir isotherm up to 4 bar. Maximum constant adsorbent capacity of about 0.1 mol O2/kg CMS is obtained for pressure above 4 bar. For PSA two columns 6-steps process, no significant effect of the pressure on the product purity above 4 bar. The purity increases with decreasing the productivity. Maximum purity of 97.6% is obtained at productivity of 156 lit/kg, cycle time of 100 s, and purge flowrate of 1 lit/min. The productivity of 606 lit/kg is obtained at purity of 94%, cycle time of 60s, and purge flowrate of 4 lit/min.
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Keywords:Adsorption, Breakthrough, Nitrogen separation, PSA.