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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2016) 23(3) 91- 95
Real Time Speed Control of DC Motor by Programming the Fuzzy Controller in C Language
Abdelelah K. M. | Abdulaleem Abdul Fatah | |
Electrical Eng. Dept., University of Mosul, Iraq |
The fuzzy controller is one of the intelligent soft computing methods that realize a human being hierarchy sense and expert by building the program that realized it . In this work real time implementation of a fuzzy controller is realized by programming the industrial computer in c++ language. The performed fuzzy controller has two inputs and one output. The inputs are the speed error and change in error with controller output as PWM. The applied program architecture uses the matrix representation and subroutines for data entering the linguistic memberships for both error and change in error and performing rule-base in the inference mechanism using fuzzy logic . The output of the defuzification is pulse width modulation to the chopper drive circuit. The result shows good a fulfillment of the soft computing of the controller and with fast response and the effect of load as a disturbance on the shaft of the motor has been rejected quickly.
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Keywords:Speed control, Fuzzy controller, Real time control, dc motor.