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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2016) 23(3) 96- 104
Acidic Attack Resistance of Cement Mortar Treated with Alkaline
Nadia Nazhat Sabeeh | ||
Environmental Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq |
The negative effect of acidic attack on the properties of concrete and cement mortar is a topic of increasing significance in the recent years. Many attempts has occurred to mitigate this negative impact by improving the properties of concrete and increase resistance to acids by using additives. The present study includes treatment of sand by alkaline material and examine the effect of treatment on cement mortar resistance towards hydrochloric and sulfuric acid. Results show that sand treatment by alkaline material significantly enhance mortar ability to resist acids. In terms of loss weight, the maximum weight rate gain was 25.54% for specimens immersed in Hydrochloric acid with water cement ratio 40%. For specimens immersed in HCl, the average gain in compressive strength is (20.15-19.433)% for w/c (40-45)% respectively. The average gain in modulus of rupture toward the influence of H2SO4 is (18.37–17.99)% for w/c (40-45)%, respectively.
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Keywords:Acidic resistance, Cement mortar, Flexural strength, Hydrochloric acid, Sodium hypochlorite, Sulfuric acid.