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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2016) 23(4) 1- 10
Study the Effect of Rotational Speed and Pouring Temperature on the Wear Resistance and Hardness of Alloy (A380) Reinforced with Different Volume Fraction of Alumina Particles
Farouk M. Mahdi | Najeeb A. Salman | Mohannad A. Hameed |
Mechanical Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq |
In this study a cylindrical liner was produced by horizontal centrifugal casting process. The liner was composed from aluminum alloy (A380) matrix reinforced with alumina particles (Al2O3) with grain size of (63−125)μ and volume percent of 10,15 and 20%. The die was rotated at different speeds and its temperature was remained constant at (350)ºC. In this present study it was concluded that any increase in temperature difference between pouring and die temperature will reduce the surface defects. This study reveals that increasing the rotational speed refines the grain size but cause the alumina particles to be concentrated at the outer surface. Finally it was found that the addition of alumina particles increases both hardness and wear resistance of the alloy.
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Keywords:Composite materials, horizontal centrifugal casting process, wear.