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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2016) 23(4) 93- 102

Theoretical Study of Suspension System for Two-Dimensional Model of the Vehicle and its Effects on limiting speed and Driver Comfort

Salim Y. Kasim Saif M. Abdulsattar
Mechanical Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq


Vibration in cars is undesirable because it causes discomfort to passengers, and can also lead to fatigue and failure of some parts of the vehicle. Therefore, the study and analysis of comments movements cart embedded in ever to research vehicles since the invention. And associated vibration cart passenger comfort, safety and stability of the vehicle. The researchers analyzed several vibration of vehicles by looking at different models, such as quarter wagon model ,and Half Car Model and full vehicle model with different types of excitement experienced by the vehicle and intended here excitement is a set of external forces arising from the terrain. This research includes a half vehicle linear model , written for four degrees of freedom plus one (4 +1 DOF) after addition degree of freedom which is driver / passenger seat system becomes a five degrees of freedom, also the vehicle body is assumed as a rigid body and taking into account the Bounce and Pitch. The system governing equations of motion are formulated by using the finite element method (FEM). A Fortran language computer program has been established for this purpose and used in the process covering (Simulation) and stand on the performance evaluation and analysis riding cart at the design stage and stand on the impact driver way through a study on the subject and the quality of the driver’s seat, Two criterion of standards of comfort has been used, such as standard rate of absorbed energy (Average Absorbed Power) to be the norm over the driver comfort or not. And the comfort factor which is the vertical acceleration root mean square is used as an indication for the ride comfort. In fact the driver is the most important link in the process of using vehicles because the decision-maker and dominant direct the movement of vehicle.

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Keywords:Average absorbed power, half vehicle, 4DOF, driver comfort

How to cite

TJES: Kasim SY, Abdulsattar SM. Theoretical Study of Suspension System for Two-Dimensional Model of the Vehicle and its Effects on limiting speed and Driver Comfort. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2016;23(4):93-102.
APA: Kasim, S. Y., & Abdulsattar, S. M. (2016). Theoretical Study of Suspension System for Two-Dimensional Model of the Vehicle and its Effects on limiting speed and Driver Comfort. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 23(4), 93-102.
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