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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2016) 23(4) 109- 121
Suitability Evaluation of Wells Water for Various Uses for the Confined Region Between Tigris and Lower-Zab Rivers
Rodhan A. Saleh | Eidan E. Ghadban | Abdulrazaq K. Abdulwahed | Mohammad A. Faris |
Technical Institute, Alhawija, Iraq |
In this study, 68 wells were selected from different locations for the area located between Tigris river and Lower Zab river, and its suburbs south of Makhmor Mount. A series of chemical and physical tests were carried out for the groundwater of each well, where the calcium , total hardness (T.H)., total dissolved soled (T.D.S)., Electrical conductivity (EC), pH, Turbidity, Alkaline were examined.. Results were compared and evaluated with the limits permitted by the Iraqi standards for drinking water and with the specifications of industrial and agricultural consumption. The results showed the disqualification of most of these wells for drinking purposes because the high content of salt and high hardness, where exceed the limits of Iraqi standards for drinking water except one well. Also, the results show that 36 wells were suitable for irrigation and agriculture with taking precautions to proportion of salts, while 32 wells were not well within the specifications of irrigation water. The industrial consumption has been found that all wells were not identical to the specifications used in the food industry.
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Keywords:Groundwater, wells, suitable for use.