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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2016) 23(4) 23- 30

Study the Influential Factors in the Hit Rate of Cache Memory for a Multiprocessors System

Ammar A. Zaqzuq
Albaath University,Syria


This paper presents an analytical and deductive study at software and hardware level for a symmetric multiprocessors system. Basic influential factors in the performance as cache memory size, processors number, and coherence protocols of cache memories are defined and compared, and a different simulations and evaluations of multiple experimental values of these parameters have been carried out also. In order to speed up the parallel processing and to improve the performance for realizing the execution in real time, harmonious values of these factors are obtained as experimental results.

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Keywords:Cache Memory, Miss Rate, Parallel Processing, Multiprocessors, Coherence Protocols, Real Time, Computer Architecture.

How to cite

TJES: Zaqzuq AA. Study the Influential Factors in the Hit Rate of Cache Memory for a Multiprocessors System. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2016; 23 (4):23-30.
APA: Zaqzuq, A. A. (2016). Study the Influential Factors in the Hit Rate of Cache Memory for a Multiprocessors System. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 23(4), 23-30.
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