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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2016) 23(4) 31- 35
Modeling and Simulation Control of Buck Converter Applied to Solar Energy
Azahar S. Abdulfatah | Esraa K. Sae’d | |
Electrical Eng. Dept., University of Mosul , Iraq |
The great difficulty in controlling the value of the continuous voltage and the inability to use electrical transformers because of constant produce flux by the direct current(DC) with time, therefore must be find other ways to control the continuous voltage value. The best methods used for this purpose are power electronics circuit, these circuits is buck converter, as a result of the output voltage becomes lower than from the input voltage. the renewable energies need to converter circuits to enable consumers to use and the circuit which represent the heart of the hybrid system (the sun /wind). This research addresses use modern methods in the control of buck converter used with the hybrid systems (solar energy / wind) as well as mathematically represented using the equations and computer simulation program and the famous (proteas (ISIS professional)) .
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Keywords:The buck converter, Microcontroller, Control of hybrid system, The hybrid system.