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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2016) 23(4) 52- 63
Identifying the Shape Characteristics of Architectural Structures by using Technique of Digital Classification of Pictures
Omar H. Kharoufa | ||
Architectural Eng. Dept., University of Mosul, Iraq |
The information technology revolution is the most important attribute of our era under the technological competition in all fields of specialties and branches of knowledge. Using computer within stages of designing and directing the architectural works have had a great influence in entering new capabilities in architecture engineering through what in named (The Virtual Reality) which simulate all circumstances and probabilities in designing to live with a tangible experience completely which lacks nothing but to be a real experience. Also an urgent need has appeared for developing methods and means to evaluate architectural works in order to convoy the technology development that escorted the designing and establishing evenly, the matter which opened the way for using new technical means and tools that contribute in a great degree to identify specific characteristics of the architectural works through which it makes possible for giving a logical evaluation for these facilities to access the benefit of these characteristics in identifying many aspects relevant to the architectural works. Relying on what is said above, the technique of classification of pictures is one of the new technological methods that uses developed programming languages to access results that are convincing and reliable in analysis. It is possible to deal with architectural result pictures as study samples according to a specific technique to attain the identification of the shape of characteristics of these facilities after it was restricted on visual observations to identify these characteristics, and that mislaid many important things in comparisons and controlling the select samples size. The )Image – j( program is used which has high ability and efficiency in the image processing. This study is trying to deal with this important side of architectural work evaluation,which opens new prospects in the architectural evaluation process.
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Keywords:The shape characteristics of architectural structures, Digital classification of pictures