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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2016) 23(4) 72- 80
A Practical Study of Situation for Fine Aggregates Quarries in Salahalddin Province
Yaseen A. Saleh | ||
Civil Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq |
This research represents a practical study of the reality of fine aggregate quarries scattered across Salahalddin province, which includes the cities of Tikrit, Samarra, Balad, Dujail, AL-Dour, Tuz, Baiji and Shirqat suffering mostly from the failure of gradient and the percentage of total sulfate content (one or both). The results showed that all the quarries in the province did not meet the requirements of Iraqi standards in the gradient except quarries of Tuz and Shirqat, while all of them except quarries of Daur and Balad has been successed when tested for percentage of total sulfate content. The problem of sieve analysis has been solved through a simple calculation and process which can be applied in the workplace easily and it has proved validity in practice. The work was by mixing Tikrit sand with Baiji sand by proportion of (1:1.08) ,Samarra sand with AL-Dour sand by proportion of (1:2.34), the corresponding proportion for mixing Balad sand with Dujail sand is (1:1.45).This process leads to the formation of a new sand mixture which has been achieved the requirements of Iraqi standard specifications No.45 of 1984 year for gradient and percentage of total sulfate content. This research contributed in solving the problem of the adoption of most projects in the province on Tuz quarries only by the ability of using the produced sand of all quarries in the province. This process lead to reduce the cost of the produced sand compared with Tuz sand by ratios ranged between 32% to 48%.
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Keywords:Fine aggregate, Sieve analysis of fine aggregate, Percentage of total sulfate content, Aggregate quarries and concrete mix.