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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2016) 23(4) 81- 92

The Effect of Adding Series Capacitor and Phase Shifting Transformer on Power System Performance

Mohammad A. Abdullah Barween R. Kareem
Electrical Eng. Dept., University of Mosul , Iraq Technical Institute, Alhawija, Iraq


Promoting power system performance is regarded as one of the essential issues for a sustainable customer service, alongside with the expansion of the inductive loads and population increase. The study aims to improve and promot power system performance by using series capacitors and phase – shifting transformers. The capacitors and transformers are used separately in the system, then they are used together in two separate lines for two load cases: the base load and the increasing the base load 25%. The system power flow has been examined by utilizing Matlab version 7.6. The study shows that the efficiency of both series capacitors and phase – shifting transformers in improving line loadability, whether used together or separately. The highest rate for improving line loadability was 53.15% when using series capacitor in the line 1 – 5. As for the transformer, the highest rate was 53.25% in the line 11–5. The study has also shown that adding series capacitor and phase–shifting transformer simultaneously to the system is more efficient in promoting and improving system performance than adding them separately. The current study has been applied on the test system IEEE with 14 buses and 20 transmission lines.

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Keywords:Series Capacitor, Phase Shifting Transformer, Power System.

How to cite

TJES: Abdullah MA, Kareem BR. The Effect of Adding Series Capacitor and Phase Shifting Transformer on Power System Performance. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2016;23(4):81-92.
APA: Abdullah, M. A., & Kareem, B. R. (2016). The Effect of Adding Series Capacitor and Phase Shifting Transformer on Power System Performance. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 23(4), 81-92.
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