
Keywords:  Kut Barrage, horizontal deformation, least square adjustment, analysis result.


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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2017) 24(1) 1- 10

Horizontal Deformation Monitoring of Kut Barrage-Iraq using High Precision GNSS& Total Station 

Reham Riyad Mahmoud Ghadah Hasan Mohammed
MSc Student, Geomatics Engineering, Iraq Technical Institute of Kirkuk, Northern Technical University, Kirkuk, Iraq

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25130/tjes.24.2017.01


 The modern evaluation and analysis techniques for the horizontal deformation of concrete structures such as barrages depend on a geodetic network, with control points, required to carry out the adjustment for the networks according to the adjustment techniques “Least Squares method”. The study included measurement of fourteen points in the downstream side, depending on the global satellite navigation system and using the Adjust program to calculate the amount of displacement resulting. A comparison is done between the resulted deformations magnitude for the network points for 2014 epoch with respect to the General Directorate for Survey (GDS) at epoch 2005 the deformation or movement could be verified by applying the statistical techniques to analyze the movement. The analysis shows that the movement displacement systems stable and amount of 3.5cm.

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How to cite

APA: Mahmoud, R., & Mohammed, G. (2017). Horizontal Deformation Monitoring of Kut Barrage-Iraq using High Precision GNSS& Total Station. Tikrit Journal Of Engineering Sciences, 24(1), 50-61. doi:10.25130/tjes.v24i1.696
MLA: Mahmoud, Reham Riyad, & Ghadah Hasan Mohammed. “Horizontal Deformation Monitoring of Kut Barrage-Iraq using High Precision GNSS& Total Station.” Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences [Online], 24.1 (2017): 50-61. Web. 26 Jun. 2018
ABNT:  MAHMOUD, R., MOHAMMED, G.. Horizontal Deformation Monitoring of Kut Barrage-Iraq using High Precision GNSS& Total Station. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, North America, 24, oct. 2017. Available at: <http://tj-es.baghdad-host.com/index.php/tjes/article/view/696>. Date accessed: 26 Jun. 2018.