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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2017) 24(1) 89-95

Analyzing the Health Risks Resulting from Extending the 400kV High Voltage Transmission Lines on the Human

Mohammed Hassan Derwish
Electrical Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq.


Although it is difficult to imagine life without electricity, there are compiling confirmations show that exposure to magnetic fields correlated electricity and radio frequencies pose magnificent hazards to human health. The most economist method to transfer electricity from power generation stations to users is by measures of high power transmission lines, buoyed by big transmission towers. The cables laced between the towers radiate magnetic and electric fields. In this research study, the magnetic field at ground level under 400 kV network lines extended in residential places have been conducted in two ways, mathematical calculation and practical measurement then the obtained results analyzed and compared with the international standards reference values. the reason of chose this type of transmission line is frequently using. The results indicate that they fall within the safe limiter commended by the World Health Organization. the strength of radiation increasing with high of sea level and moisture ratio because of air ionization.

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Keywords: High voltage transmission lines, magnetic field, negative health effect.

How to cite

TJES: Derwish MH. Analyzing the health risks resulting from extending the 400kv high voltage transmission lines on the human. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2017; 24 (1): 88-95.
APA: Derwish, M. H. (2017). Analyzing the health risks resulting from extending the 400kv high voltage transmission lines on the human. Tikrit Journal Of Engineering Sciences, 24(1), 88-95.
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