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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2017) 24(2) 1-10

Experimental Study of the Effect of Water Depth on the Mass Transfer of Passive Solar Still Chemical Solutions

Fayadh M. Abed Dalaf Shaker Mahmood
Mechanical Eng. Dept., Tikrit University,  Iraq


 An experimental study on a passive solar distiller in the Tikrit city on (latitude line”34 36o north, longitude line “45 43o east), and purpose of that study to raise the efficiency and productivity of the solar distiller. And then design the monoclinic solar distiller and add reflector plate and a solar concentrate. The Practical tests were conducted at a rate of every half-hour from the beginning of February to the beginning of the month of June. The study began by comparing the solar distiller that contain the concentrates and without contain it. Then study the influence of adding coal and chemical solutions, like blue Thymol solution and blue bromophenol solution to see the additions effect on the productivity and efficiency of distiller, and also The study was conducted to see the effect of the water depth on the productivity of distiller with take four water depths within the basin are (2,1.5,1,0.5) cm of water. The tests were conducted in weather conditions close. and the results of the study, That distilled added his concentrates improved its productivity by 46% and efficiency increases 43% with non-use of concentrates, and coal increased efficiency by 36% and productivity improved up to 38%, the addition of blue Thymol solution increases the efficiency by 19% and productivity by 16%, as well as bromophenol solution increase productivity by 23% and improve efficiency by 25%, when comparing the additions found that the best one is coal. Through the study of the depth of the water show that increases productivity and efficiency by reducing the depth of the water in the basin distiller.

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Keywords: Solar still, concentrates, chemical solution. 

How to cite

TJES: Abed FM,  Mahmood DS. Experimental study of the effect for water depth on the mass transfer of passive solar still chemical solutions. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2017; 24 (2): 1-10.
APA: Abed, F. M. & Mahmood, D. S. (2017). Experimental study of the effect for water depth on the mass transfer of passive solar still chemical solutions. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 24(2), 1-10.
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